
Showing posts from September 23, 2007


由於Cisco BSCI 3.0中的IPv6 Autoconfiguration & Mobile IPv6相關的Slide內容不清楚,甚至有可能誤導各位的理解方向,因此我在網路找了很久終於找到比較完整的流程解釋相關文件,不過可惜只有日文版的,不過從中也可以看到出來日本人在資料整理上下了很大的功夫,也可以了解日本在推動IPv6上不遺餘力,在技術上應用至許多不同的領域,內容相當紮實而且詳盡,圖片製作水準一流,相較於西方人整理的文件偏重於文字摘要上有很大的不同,因此推薦給各位,希望可以讓大家更加了解IPv6的運作,不用擔心看不懂日文,把重心放在運作流程上的變化即可。 以下是這份文件比較重要的內容摘要: - Address Autoconfiguration - DHCPv6 - Neighbor Discovery - Mobile IPv6 - IPv4/IPv6 Transition 。6to4 。IPv6 over IPv4 。ISATAP(Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) 。DSTM(Dual Stack Transition Mechanism) 。SIIT(Stateless IP/ICMP Translator) 。NAT-PT 。SOCKS - IPv6 IPSec

New 12% Cisco CCIE lab exam fee hike brings CCIE lab exam cost to $1,400 USD

New 12% Cisco CCIE lab exam fee hike brings CCIE lab exam cost to $1,400 USD Submitted by Brad Reese on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 1:52am. The Cisco CCIE lab exam fee has been hiked by $150 USD, which does not include travel or lodging. Cisco CCIE Lab Exam Locations: Bangalore, India Beijing, China Brussels, Belgium Dubai, United Arab Emirates Hong Kong, China Research Triangle Park, North Carolina San Jose, California Sao Paulo, Brazil Sydney, Australia Tokyo, Japan The new Cisco CCIE lab exam fee is $1400 USD per attempt. Cisco CCIE lab exams in Sydney will also be charged a 10% GST tax. Cisco CCIE lab exams taken in Brussels by candidates without a Belgian VAT number will be charged a 21% VAT tax. Also, please note that credit card approval must be obtained for the full amount including VAT tax for all candidates in Brussels, even if you have a valid VAT number. Your account, however, will not be charged the tax amount once your VAT number is verified. Thankfully, the new fee charg...