
Showing posts from November 25, 2007


一旦我們的類比波形已經被數位化之後,我們可能想要透過編碼這些數位化波形來加以壓縮好節省廣域網路的頻寬。編碼和解碼這些波形的過程是由編解碼器(coder decoders),也被稱之為編解碼器(code decoder,CODEC)。讓我們來看看各種的編解碼器(CODECs)所使用的波形壓縮的一些形式︰ 脈衝編碼調變(Pulse Code Modulation, PCM) 是將類比訊號轉換為數位訊號的一種技術,它並非實際地壓縮類比波形。相反的,脈衝編碼調變(PCM)取樣以及數位量化的動作並未進行任何的壓縮。G.711就是使用脈衝編碼調變(PCM)的編解碼器(CODEC)。 可適性差分脈衝碼調變(Adaptive Differentiated PCM,ADPCM) 使用一個差異化訊號(difference signal)。不將整個樣本加以編碼,可適性差分脈衝碼調變(ADPCM)可以將目前樣本與前一個樣本比較出來的差異傳送出去。 G.726就是一個可適性差分脈衝碼調變編解碼器(ADPCM CODEC)的例子。 代數碼激勵線形預測(Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Predication,CS-ACELP) 動態建造基於語音模式的編碼登錄(codebook)。它會使用一個前看緩衝區(look ahead buffer)來查看是否下一個樣本與已存在於編碼登錄(codebook)中的圖案相配。如果它這樣做,那麼編碼登錄(codebook)位置就可以被傳送出去來取代實際的樣本。這個好處就是不需要傳送實際的聲音,我只要傳送給您那個聲音在您編碼登錄(codebook)中的位置,相較於傳送實際的聲音使用了相當少的頻寬。 G.729就是一個代數碼激勵線形預測編解碼器(CS-ACELP CODEC)的例子。 低時延碼激勵線性預測(Low-Delay Conjugate Excited Linear Predication,LD-CELP) 非常類似於代數碼激勵線形預測(CS-ACELP)。不過,低時延碼激勵線性預測(LD-CELP)使用了更小的編碼登錄(codebook),導致較少的延遲,但是它需要更多的頻寬。 G.728編解碼器(CODEC)是一個低時延碼激勵線性預測編解碼器(LD-CELP CODEC)的例子。 G.72...

Understanding How Digital T1 CAS (Robbed Bit Signaling) Works in IOS Gateways

Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) is also referred to as Robbed Bit Signaling . In this type of signaling, the least significant bit of information in a T1 signal is "robbed" from the channels that carry voice and is used to transmit framing and clocking information. This is sometimes called "in-band" signaling. CAS is a method of signaling each traffic channel rather than having a dedicated signaling channel (like ISDN). In other words, the signaling for a particular traffic circuit is permanently associated with that circuit. The most common forms of CAS signaling are loopstart, groundstart, Equal Access North American (EANA), and E&M. In addition to receiving and placing calls, CAS signaling also processes the receipt of Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) and automatic number identification (ANI) information, which is used to support authentication and other functions. Each T1 channel carries a sequence of frames. These frames consist of 192 bit...

Telephony Application Programming Interface(TAPI)

由微軟 (MICROSOFT) 與英特爾 (INTEL) 所共同推動的 API 規格, 可使 WINDOWS 應用程式直接或透過網路 (NETWORK) 來控制電話相關設備, 例如數據機 (MODEM), 頭戴話機 (HEADSET), 交換機 (PBX) 等. TAPI 的目標是要建立一種標準的規格來控制從簡單的撥號到電話中心 (CALL CENTER) 的控制, 在 NETWARE 上運作類似的規格稱為 TSAPI(Telephony Server Application Programming Interface)。 TAPI 3.0 是集合傳統式 PSTN 電話服務和 IP 電話服務的漸進式 API。IP 電話服務是新方興的技術,能夠在現有的區域網路、廣域網路 和 Internet 上融合聲音、資料和視訊。 TAPI 3.0 讓IP 電話服務在 Microsoft® Windows® 作業系統上成為可能﹔這方法可以簡單而普通的方法結合二或多部電腦,並存取這種連接上所包納的所有媒體資料流。 TAPI 3.0 支援標準的 H.323 會議和 IP 多點傳送會議。它使用 Windows 2000 作業系統的 Active Directory 服務來簡化公司內的部署,包含服務品質 (QoS) 支援,以提高會議品質,使網路易於管理。 TAPI 3.0 提供了簡單而普通的方法,能夠結合兩部或多部電腦,並存取這種結合所涵蓋的任何媒體資料流。它摘錄了呼叫控制功能,讓不同而看似不相容的傳輸通訊協定提供應用程式使用的公用介面。h當公司開始從昂貴而缺乏彈性的電路交換公用電話網路轉移至有智慧、彈性而且便宜的 IP 網路時,IP 電話服務能夠自若地面對爆炸性的成長。TAPI 3.0 整合多媒體資料流控制和傳統電話服務。此外,它是從 TAPI 2.1 API 到 COM 模式的改進,可用任何語言編寫 TAPI 應用程式,例如 C/C++ 或 Microsoft® Visual Basic® 。

Java Telephony Application Programming Interface(JTAPI)

談到JTAPI(Java Telephony Application Programming Interface),首先得瞭解什麼是CTI。 CTI(Computer Telephony Integration)就是電腦電話集成技術,它是目前國內正火的呼叫中心熱潮的核心技術。JTAPI主要是為CTI技術服務。JTAPI(Java Telephone API)則是一套專門為JAVA語言提供的與電話應用相關的程式介面,它定義了一組跨平臺、跨廠家的電話應用程式物件模型。使用JTAPI提供的物件,我們就可以簡單方便地用軟體實現各種CTI技術。 由於JTAPI的誕生是由若干知名電腦、通訊廠商(Sun, Lucent Technologies, Nortel, Novell, Intel, and IBM)聯合努力的結果,利用JTAPI編寫的CTI程式甚至可以操作若干種電話交換機,這些交換機包括Lucnet、Nortel等等廠家。 JTAPI的主要特點歸納如下: 1. 簡化CTI程式的編寫。 2. 提供一套可以擴展的框架結構,可以平滑的使Client/Server結構的程式過渡到Browser/Server結構。 3. 對已有的傳統CTI程式介面,如TSAPI、SunXTL、以及TAPI進行WEB方向的擴展。 4. 可以運行於任何JAVA可以運行的平臺。 利用以上優點,採用JTAPI技術搭建的呼叫中心就可以平滑的過渡到Internet時代。 目前JTAPI主要應用於呼叫中心領域,利用它還可以編寫包括自動撥號、語音郵件、傳真接收等各類軟體。特別在互聯網呼叫中心領域更是大有用武之地。比如Lucent 推出的ICC(Internet Call Center)就是一個典型的例子。整個ICC系統從技術上劃分,可以分為3部分:管理、CTI、工作流。三個部分都用JAVA開發,其中CTI部分使用JTAPI1.3。利用JAVA的優勢,ICC可以運行在NT、SALORIS等各種平臺之上。

Cisco Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST)

Cisco SRST Description Cisco SRST provides Cisco CallManager with fallback support for Cisco IP phones that are attached to a Cisco router on your local network. Cisco SRST enables routers to provide call-handling support for Cisco IP phones when they lose connection to remote primary, secondary, or tertiary Cisco CallManager installations or when the WAN connection is down. Cisco CallManager supports Cisco IP phones at remote sites attached to Cisco multiservice routers across the WAN. Prior to Cisco SRST, when the WAN connection between a router and the Cisco CallManager failed or when connectivity with Cisco CallManager was lost for some reason, Cisco IP phones on the network became unusable for the duration of the failure. Cisco SRST overcomes this problem and ensures that the Cisco IP phones offer continuous (although minimal) service by providing call-handling support for Cisco IP phones directly from the Cisco SRST router. The system automatically detects a failure and uses Simp...

Skinny Client Control Protocol(SCCP)

SCCP is a proprietary terminal control protocol originally developed by Selsius Corporation . It is now owned and defined by Cisco Systems, Inc. as a messaging set between a skinny client and the Cisco CallManager. Examples of skinny clients include the Cisco 7900 series of IP phone such as the Cisco 7960, Cisco 7940 and the 802.11b wireless Cisco 7920, along with Cisco Unity voicemail server. Skinny is a lightweight protocol which allows for efficient communication with Cisco CallManager. CallManager acts as a signaling proxy for call events initiated over other common protocols such as H.323, SIP, ISDN and/or MGCP. A skinny client uses TCP/IP to and from one or more Call Managers in a cluster. RTP/UDP/IP is used to and from a similar skinny client or H.323 terminal for the bearer traffic (real-time audio stream). SCCP is a stimulus-based protocol and is designed as a communications protocol for hardware endpoints and other embedded systems, with significant CPU and memory constraints...

Impairment / Calculated Planning Impairment Factor (ICPIF)

The ICPIF originated in the 1996 version of ITU-T recommendation G.113 "Transmission impairments," as part of the formula Icpif = Itot - A. ICPIF is actually an acronym for "(Impairment) Calculated Planning Impairment Factor," but should be taken to simply mean the "calculated planning impairment factor." The ICPIF attempts to quantify, for comparison and planning purposes, the key impairments to voice quality that are encountered in the network. ICPIF Stands for “Impairment Calculated Planning Impairment Factor”. The ICPIF attempts to quantify, for comparison and planning purposes, the key impairments to voice quality that are encountered in the network. ICPIF values are expressed in a typical range of 5(very low impairment) to 55 (very high impairment). ICPIF values numerically less than 20 are generally considered “adequate” Note: IP SLA uses a simplified formula which is also used by Cisco Gateways to calculate the ICPIF for received VoIP data streams....


清晰度與語音訊號可接受的程度有關,舉例來說,收訊者是否能聽得懂對方所說的話,由聲音辨別發話者是誰或是由聲音感受發話者的感覺。 由於清晰度的因果關係並非線性,因此在許多與語音壓縮有關的數位技術中(例如MPEG-2),清晰度會有所謂的臨界效應(cliff effect);所謂臨界效應是指隨著訊號損失的增加,清晰度會逐漸變差,當清晰度變差到一個程度之後,收訊者便完全無法聽清楚,"cliff"的實際位置通常得靠實驗決定。 傳統上,是以 平均意見指標(mean opinion score, MOS) 來衡量清晰度;平均意見指標是將收訊的語音樣本,由一群收訊者依收聽到的通話品質分成5個等級: 1代表最差、5代表最佳 ,4則是一般公眾電話網路系統的通話品質。由於 MOS 很難建立一個客觀標準,而且有實際執行上的困難,因此 MOS 無法作為長期評估的標準。 為了改善 MOS 的這些缺點,陸續有人希望藉由電腦輔助的方式,提出各種具有重複客觀性通話品質的評量方法。大部分的方式都是由收訊者的觀點,來比較以人類自然語音訊號作為語音樣本經過傳輸之後,接受訊號和原始訊號之間的差異。 目前,常用的清晰度評量方法有兩種,一種是由荷蘭KPN Research所發展的 知覺通話質量測量(Perceptual Speech Quality Measurement, PSQM ) ,現已成為ITU-T P.861標準;另一種是由大英國協的英國電訊所發展的 知覺分析/測量系統(Perceptual Analysis/Measurement System, PAMS) 。 PSQM 和 PAMS 都使用自然語音(natural speech)或類語音樣本作為輸入訊號,通常選擇的語音樣本(speech sample)會經由語音傳輸路經傳送,語音傳輸路經在經過編碼、封包化(packetization)、傳輸和解碼的過程中,會造成各種不同程度的訊號損失。評量的方法是以接收的語音樣本訊號,和原本的訊號作為清晰度演算法的輸入訊號。典型測試所採用的語音樣本會包括,具有各種代表性的男性和女性聲音。 PSQM 演算法是以0到6.5的數字來評量清晰度,數字越低代表通話品質越好。 PSQM 原本是設計用來評估和比較各種語音編碼(speech codecs)技術的優劣,而非點對點的(end-to-end)網路通...

聲音變化偵測器(Voice Activity Detector, VAD)

為了對頻寬做最有效的利用,我們必須偵測聲音的變化,並且視需要來啟動或是停止封包的傳輸。聲音變化偵 測器所必須解決的最大問題,就是如何分辨說話的內容以及伴隨而來的背景雜訊,我們可以利用這項功能來節省網路的頻寬,因為在一般的通話過程中,幾乎一半的時間都沒有人說話。

Electrical Echo vs Acoustic Echo

在語音基頻訊號(basic level)時,回音基本上是自己聽到自己的反射聲音;就技術上的觀點來看,如果訊號的接受路徑(receive path)出現傳輸訊號時,便會產生回音,最常見且希望出現的回音方式是側音(sidetone),亦即在電話筒中聽到自己沒有任何時間延遲的聲音。而實際上,如果講電話時聽不到側音時,大部分人都會懷疑自己講的話對方是否聽得見。 回音本質上可分為電訊回音(electrical echo)及聲音回音(acoustic echo)。電訊回音主要是由於串音(crosstalk)或是阻抗不匹配(poor impedance matching)所造成的,至於聲波回音最常見的情況,則為:喇叭與遠端的麥克風產生相互作用而產生聲波回音(Acoustic echo)。 回音所造成的訊號干擾,會隨著回音的強度和回音的時間延遲而不同[如圖1所示],由於側音的時間延遲很短,因此除非強度很大才會造成明顯的干擾。但是由於語音封包網路的延遲時間,通常比傳統語音網路的延遲時間長了10倍以上,所以干擾會變得較為明顯。 就原理上來說,處理回音的方法中,最直接和較簡單的便是抑制回音;抑制回音的方法是在傳輸訊號時,關閉收訊路徑(receive path)。但是這個方法的問題是回音抑制電路(echo suppressor circuitry)必須能偵測發話者結束發話的時間,所以會造成類似時間延遲過長,所形成的半工(half-duplex)通訊的問題。 由於抑制回音的方法會有上述問題,因此較佳的方式為抵銷回音,由於回音抵銷的高性能數位訊號處理器價格越來越便宜,所以目前逐漸改用抵銷回音的技術,來取代回音抑制技術。當回音的延遲時間很短時,抵銷回音可發揮最大效果;故此回音抵銷技術,通常會與其他減少系統時間延遲的技術一併使用。

回音抑制器(Echo Suppressor)


標準的數據描述語言ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) 簡介

ASN.1是一種用描述結構化客體的結構和內容的語言. 抽象語法定義: ASN.1是描述在網絡上傳輸信息格式的標準方法。它有兩部分:描述信息內數據,數據類型及序列格式的是一部分;另一部分描述如何將各部分組成消息。它原來是作為X.409的一部分而開發的,來才自己獨立成為一個標準。ASN.1在OSI的ISO 8824/ITU X.208(說明語法)和ISO 8825/ITU X.209(說明基本編碼規則)規范。下面就是一個例子: Report ::= SEQUENCE { author OCTET STRING, title OCTET STRING, body OCTET STRING, biblio Bibliography } 在這個例子中,"Report"是由名字類型的信息組成的,而SEQUENCE表示消息是許多數據單元構成的,前三個數據單元的類型是OCTET STRING,而最一個數據類型則下面的ASN.1語法表示它的意義: Bibliography ::= SEQUENCE { author OCTET STRING title OCTET STRING publisher OCTET STRING year OCTET STRING } (

MGCP Endpoint Identifiers

在Cisco CVOICE 5.0 P.3-105最下方的Example: Endpoint Identifiers的例子中只有文字但是缺少了附錄圖片,可能會讓各位在研讀內容時摸不著頭緒,所以我在網路上找到了這一段原來的文章內容(我猜是舊版的教材只是不小心圖片的部份被刪掉了…),請參考以下內容: When interacting with a gateway, the call agent directs its commands to the gateway for the express purpose of managing an endpoint or a group of endpoints. An endpoint identifier, as its name suggests, provides a name for an endpoint. Endpoint identifiers consist of two parts: a local name of the endpoint in the context of the gateway and the domain name of the gateway itself. The two parts are separated by an at sign (@). If the local part represents a hierarchy, the subparts of the hierarchy are separated by a slash. In Figure 6-35, the local ID might be representative of a particular gateway/circuit #, and the circuit # might in turn be representative of a circuit ID/channel #. In Figure 6-35, is the domain name, and t1toSJ/17 refers to channel 17 in the T1 to San Jose. Figure 6-35. MGCP Endpoint Identifier

WiMax網路 獲企業用戶青睞

【本報紐約訊】新一代無線寬頻傳輸技術WiMax趨於成熟,網路服務供應商紛紛利用這項高科技為企業建置網路環境,企業用戶可用更低廉的成本、享受更快速的上網品質,並掙脫長久以來電話公司幾近於獨占的強勢掌控。 根據美聯社報導,近年來,網路服務供應商(ISP,Internet Service Provider)善用無線傳輸技術挑戰電話公司幾近獨占的地位,但效果有限,直到最近WiMax技術成熟,網路服務供應商挾著這項高科技的威力再度出征,終於獲得企業界青睞。 總部位於麻州的塔流公司(Towerstream)是近幾年才創立的固定/無線寬頻服務供應商,正積極在全美各地推廣WiMax企業網路服務,營運觸角涵蓋紐約、邁阿密、洛杉磯、芝加哥、西雅圖、舊金山、波士頓等地;以紐約為例,目前在曼哈頓一棟27層樓高建築物屋頂架設天線,透過天線可為一定範圍內的用戶提供資料傳輸服務。 塔流公司執行長湯普森(Jeff Thompson)站在天線所在地眺望紐約市景,視線範圍從格林威治村一路延伸到曼哈頓中城,視線所及的每一棟大樓都是塔流公司的潛在客戶;該公司所提供的寬頻服務傳輸速度最高可達每秒10億位元(1 gigabit),一般狀況下,傳輸速率為每秒2000萬位元(20 megabit),消費端的下載速度與藉助其他技術的傳輸速度差別不大,但資料上傳速度快很多,對企業來說是一大突破。 史普林新一代(Sprint Nextel)也計畫今年底前在芝加哥開始提供WiMax寬頻網路傳輸服務;不過,執行長佛西(Gary Forsee)10月初被迫下台為這項計畫埋下變數,為求因應,已另外規劃與清晰線路公司(Clearwire)合作。以開發企業用戶為主的無線網路服務供應商也躍躍欲試,德州的iBroad-band便是一例。 塔流公司的運作模式是,向相關單位取得高聳建築物屋頂使用權、而後架設天線、在鄰近區域開發企業用戶,然而,這套模式並非萬靈丹,有些業者已宣告陣亡;上選公司(Best Buy)轉投資的Speakeasy2004年便以西雅圖地標建築物Space Needle為基地提供服務,卻無疾而終,塔流公司今年出面接收,打算起死回生。 塔流第三季核心業務毛利率高達59%,但由於斥資擴張設備,出現160萬元虧損、營收170萬元。 Newscast公司目前是塔流的客戶,之前曾向電話公司租用標準低頻網路線T1,這家企業的副總蘇萊...

Configuring Echo Cancellation

Echo cancellation is configured at the voice port level. It is enabled by default, and its characteristics are configurable. Echo cancellation commands are as follows: echo-cancel enable —Enables cancellation of voice that is sent out through the interface and received back on the same interface. Sound that is received back in this manner is perceived by the listener as echo. Echo cancellation keeps a certain-sized sample of the outbound voice and calculates what that same signal looks like when it returns as an echo. Echo cancellation then attenuates the inbound signal by that amount to cancel the echo signal. If you disable echo cancellation, it will cause the remote side of a connection to hear echo. Because echo cancellation is an invasive process that can minimally degrade voice quality, you should disable this command if it is not needed. There is no echo path for a four-wire E&RM interface. The echo canceller should be disabled for this interface type. echo-cancel coverage —...

QSIG(Q SIGnaling)

QSIG(Q sinnaling)是一種數位綜合服務網的協定,在專用數位交換網基於Q931標準的一種傳輸信號。Q信號被廣泛使用在IP網、虛擬私人網路、高速多功能企業網、教育網和企業機關網。 Q信號在不同的銷售商生產的設備組成的結點間傳遞時確保了Q931的基本功能。這些功能包括啟動(表示連接建立的信號)、處理信號(說明信號被目的端處理的信號)、響鈴警告(告訴互交方目的結點正在響鈴)、連接(返回呼叫端說明目的節電已經接收到信號)、釋放/完成(說明發送方或接受放已經中止了信號)。Q信號分兩層:BC層(基本層)和CF層(產生層)。BC層用於遮罩硬體差別,使信號在結點間透明傳輸。Q信號GF層為大型企業網、教育網、政府機關網提供了附加功能,如線性鑒定、呼叫中斷、呼叫分發、多媒體應用等。

Configuring Hookflash Relay on FXS/FXO Voice Ports

Introduction When you integrate Voice over IP (VoIP) technologies to legacy private branch exchange (PBX) and public switched telephone networks (PSTNs), there is sometimes a need to pass a type of signaling known as 'hookflash'. A hookflash is a brief interruption in the loop current on loopstart trunks that the attached system does not interpret as a call disconnect. Once the PBX or PSTN senses the hookflash, it generally puts the current call on hold and provides a secondary dial tone or access to other features such as transfer or call waiting access. A hookflash is done by momentarily pressing down the cradle on a telephone. Some telephone handsets have a button called 'flash' or 'recall' that sends a 'timed loop break', or 'calibrated flash' which is a hookflash that has a precise timing. Background Information Many customers use a combination of FXS and FXO ports to extend telephone handsets across IP networks. They want to preserve featur...

E&M Signalling Interface

Introduction This appendix provides additional information on the tie line signalling standards and the FastPAD's E&M interface. The material presented here supplements the information provided in Chapter 7. Signalling Types The FastPAD supports five E&M signalling standards (Types I through V) for PBX tie line interfaces. These conventions, as defined by AT&T specifications, are described below. With each signalling type, the PBX supplies one signal, known as the M signal (for Mouth), and accepts one signal, known as the E signal (for Ear). Conversely, the tie line equipment (e.g., the FastPAD) accepts the M signal from the PBX and provides the E signal to the PBX. The M signal accepted by the tie line equipment at one end of a tie circuit becomes the E signal output by the remote tie line interface. Each of the five types is illustrated in Figure G-1. The illustrations in this figure are abstracted from the specifications to show the essential components of the signa...