
Showing posts from January 20, 2008


去年的農曆新年是一段難忘的年假…為什麼?因為整個年假都在進行零組件測試,主機不明原因無法過電(後來我老婆告訴了我原因,我兒子把Power/Reset當電動玩具在不斷地進行壓力測試…後來就突然再起不能),一開始猜測是電力不夠,所以把所有能下線的先下線,不過還是沒有用,因此猜測是主機板掛了,跑去買了一張新的主機板+CPU+RAM(因為原有的CPU太舊了已經買不到相對應的主機板了),結果仍然無效???心中一股寒意,難不成要我換整套???,最後狠下心了,只好連Case也全部換新。 買來了所有的新零組件,心中仍不死心,一定要給他找出問題來,最後終於找到問題,原來是Power Supply掛了… 因此就這樣過完了我的上一個年假…好悲情的年假,年假沒了,錢也沒了~ 好死不死,今年又要過年假了,這個星期一老婆打電話到我公司來說,"老公,家裏的電腦好像怪怪的"(我最怕聽到這樣形容詞的,就好像老人家跟醫生說身體不舒服,但又說不出來那裏有毛病…),心中又是一凜,難不成是詛咒,而且還是很準時報到的詛咒…詳細地詢問之下,不但電腦按Power沒有通電而且還有戴奧辛的味道,這時我大概知道要準備花多少錢了,不是主機板掛就是CPU掛,這次我比較不擔心Power掛了,因為上次的經驗,我上次特地花大錢買了好機絲!(主動式PFC模組化500W) 後來回到家中二話不說直接先把電腦解體(有點像是解剖命案屍體找兇手的感覺),經過單獨Power Supply測試,果然頭好壯壯一如往常,把主機板拆下來仔細檢查,真的在1394跳腳附近燒黑了一塊,還有焦黑後的灰燼…心中盤算著如果只有主機板自爆不傷及無辜最好,如果不小心波及其他至親的話,…那就完蛋了,年終獎金又要準備直接從手中離去。 接下來這幾天就開始進去無止盡的循環,先買了主機板替換測試,很興奮地把AMD 64 X2很努力地拔下來(隨著時代的進步CPU愈來愈難拆,以後386時代超級簡單的事情,沒有想到CPU一直進步,風扇的安裝卻是難如登天),再很努力地裝到新的主機板上。很高興的事出現了,終於正常聽到好久不見的"嗶"聲,真是感動莫名。 不過最難的考驗現在才開始,開機之後一直有一個問題,就是原來的SATA 250G系統碟看不到,明明就有接著電源及訊號線但是在BIOS中就是沒有,不管三七二十一,先開始把WindowsXP裝起來再說,就...

Introducing Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE) Certification

Introducing Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE) Certification Responding to strong customer demand to assess and recognize Sr. Level Network Architecture skills in the market, Cisco is introducing a new premiere knowledge based certification focused on Network Infrastructure Design. - The Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE). The CCDE is an expert-level certification with content emphasis on expertise in network architecture, which is the capstone for Cisco’s design curriculum. In addition, passing the CCDE certification demands competencies of an experienced, seasoned, networking professional with a proven ability to interface with customers at the executive-level to ensure that business requirements are incorporated into successful designs. What is a CCDE? The successful CCDE-certified individual must have a demonstrated an ability to analyze and develop solutions which address planning, design, integration, optimization, operations, security and on-going support focused at the infr...

How to quit your job

ITworld 1/18/2008 Emmanuel Conde, Bridge Resourcing Solutions Take this job and shove it I ain't working here no more My woman done left and took all the reasons I was working for You better not try to stand in my way As I'm a walking out the door. Take this job and shove it I ain't working here no more Johnny Paycheck may have had good reason to be unhappy about his job when he sang this song, and you may be tempted to borrow this famous line when leaving yours, but don't. There's a lot to consider when a CCIE feels it's time to make a career move. Typically, compensation is not the main reason. How a CCIE earns a living is as important as how much they earn. Greater technology challenges and responsibility usually drives the decision to look around. A limited career path may also be a factor. Moving up in a company is often tied to management responsibilities, but many technologists don't want to manage staff. While mentoring is attractive, the responsi...