DPNSS Versus QSIG - Can They Coexist?
很多人聽過PBX之間交換的標準-QSIG,但是可能比較少人聽過DPNSS,事實上DPNSS也是另外一種跟QSIG類似的PBX交換標準,但是它們之間到底有那些不相同的地方及歷史上演進的結果為何? 請參閱下文Q&A: http://www.pqmconsultants.com/coexist.htm Q. What are DPNSS and QSIG? DPNSS and QSIG are inter-exchange signalling protocols, primarily intended for the interconnection of nodes in a Corporate telecommunication Network (CN). The interconnection of PABXs using leased circuits is a typical application. Both DPNSS and QSIG are common channel signalling systems based on ISDN technology. They are open standards; that is, they permit signalling between equipment from different vendors. Q. How did DPNSS come about? The development of DPNSS commenced in 1981 with the decision by the UK telecomms industry (British Telecom, as was, and a number of PABX manufacturers) to develop a vendor independent private network signalling system. This work resulted in the protocol that is today widely used throughout the UK and elsewhere. The drivers behind DPNSS development are well known. They were...