
Showing posts from January 18, 2009

Cable業者反撲!100Mbps 要與光纖網路較勁

如果當年Cable Modem/MSO業者可以積極一點,台灣的市場就不會是現在這個樣子了…事到如今,真正有需要超過10M以上的用戶其實已經不多了,大部份的人都已經感到滿足(ADSL),所以其實就我看來,超過12M以上的Cable Modem除非是在價格上有競爭力,不然很不容易讓已經長期使用ADSL並且滿意CHT品質的用戶轉移。 Cable業者反撲!100Mbps 要與光纖網路較勁 2009-01-21 06:57:50 蘇文彬     今年2月起台固旗下台北縣有線電視系統用戶將可使用更高的Cable Modem上網服務,台固希望以此自ADSL、光纖市場搶回流失的Cable Modem用戶。 國內有線電視多系統營運商(MSO)台固媒體表示,今年2月將採用新技術昇級有線電視Cable Modem上網頻寬,其上網速率理論值最高達到100Mbps,與中華電信主推光纖上網最高速率相同。 目前國內寬頻上網市場中光纖上網速率以10Mbps為主流,但中華電信佈建的光世代光纖網路速率最快可達到100Mbps,相較之下,其他上網技術如主流的ADSL或是Cable上網則在12Mbsp以下,在更高速上網速率上還無法與光纖100Mbps相比美。 不過,光纖獨霸高速上網市場的情形即將改變。台固媒體表示,將引進新的Cable Modem DOCSIS 3.0技術,從2月開始在台北縣旗下有線電視系統如紅樹林、觀天下、永佳樂、新和等,開始提供比現有12Mbps更高的Cable Modem上網,最高可達到100Mbps下載/10Mbps上傳的速率,趕上中華電信光纖上網服務。 台固媒體業務行銷協理許芝蘭表示,去年開始台固就積極引進DOCSIS 3.0技術,未來可提供比現有DOCSIS 2.0技術Cable上網12Mbps還快8倍的上網服務,預計2月後陸續於上網需求量大的台北縣各地方系統台提供服務,宜蘭縣、高雄縣等地則暫時還不會引進。 不過,目前台固還沒規劃從12Mbps以上到100Mbps速率之間將會有哪些速率,及其對應的服務費率多少。許芝蘭表示,預計農曆年後很快就會有較明確服務資訊出來。 事實上,台固昇級Cable上網速率的原因在於為了與國內主流的寬頻上網服務,如ADSL、光纖上網等相抗衡。以台固媒體目前旗下擁有54萬有線電視用戶來看,其中約有9萬為Cable上網用戶...

Terminal Server Configuration for BSCI

Thanks to CCIE#20586 who re-organized the terminal server menu configuration for my BSCI course. It is modified from ICND1 configuration file and it is good for students who like to change console connection without disconnect the previous one. version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname BSCI-CS ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! no logging console enable secret cisco ! no aaa new-model ! resource policy ! ip tcp synwait-time 5 ! ! ip cef ! ! no ip domain lookup ip host P3R4 2081 ip host P1R1 2066 ip host P1R2 2067 ip host P1R3 2068 ip host P1R4 2069 ip host P2R1 2070 ip host P2R2 2071 ip host P2R3 2072 ip host P2R4 2073 ip host P3R1 2078 ip host P3R2 2079 ip host P3R3 2080 ip host FRSW 2074 ip host BBR1 2075 ip host BBR2 2076 ip host Pagen 2077 ip host SW 2078 ! ...

Class of Restrictions(COR)

Class of Restrictions (COR) is a Cisco voice gateway feature that enables Class of Service (COS) or calling privileges to be assigned. It is most commonly used with Cisco Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST) and Cisco CallManager Express but can be applied to any dial peer. The COR feature provides the ability to deny certain call attempts based on the incoming and outgoing CORs provisioned on the dial-peers. COR is required only when you want to restrict the ability of some phones to make certain types of calls but allow other phones to place those calls. COR is used to specify which incoming dial-peer can use which outgoing dial-peer to make a call. Each dial-peer can be provisioned with an incoming and an outgoing COR list. The corlist command sets the dial-peer COR parameter for dial-peers and the directory numbers that are created for Cisco IP phones associated with the Cisco CallManager Express router. COR functionality provides the ability to deny certain call attempts on th...