
Showing posts from October 12, 2008

How to enable MPLS Accouting with Netflow Feature?

如果要讓Netflow支援MPLS這種比較進階的traffic flow,就必須使用version 9。 建議各位可以參考以下幾份文章: MPLS Egress NetFlow Accounting Configuring MPLS Egress NetFlow Accounting MPLS-aware NetFlow Configuring MPLS-aware NetFlow 假設現在題目要求在Serial 0/0介面上進行MPLS Label Accounting,同時要將資料輸出到100.1.1.1 Port 1001這台Netflow Server: interface Serial0/0 ip route-cache flow mpls netflow egress ! ip flow-export version 9 ip flow-export destination 1001 ip flow-cache mpls label-positions

Free CCIE Service Provider Mini-Scenarios

如果各位會使用dynamips的話,這邊有一個很豐富的.net資源網站,尤其是對於Service Provider CCIE Lab有興趣的CCIE Candidates更是一個絕佳的熱身運動。 作者Antonio Soares(CCIE#18473)把許多重要主題如PPPoE, EoMPLS等重點都分開整理,你不用擔心一下子開太多個Router無法正常運作,只要一個個主題單點突破其實就可以達到學習的效果。可惜我太晚才發現這個網站,下下星期就要到雪梨去挑戰大魔王,所以已經來不及一個個去練習了。 如: L2TPv3 - Ethernet over L2TPv3 (Switch to Switch Port Mode - QinQ) Remotely Triggered Black Hole (RTBH) Filtering Destination-Based

Cisco Mobile Lab Schedule

最近Cisco宣布了CCIE行動考場,也就是可以到處提供CCIE(Routing & Switching) Lab,造福想出國考試但沒錢買機票的考生,不過我看了一下,以下的考場地點還是沒有台灣…so,僅供參考,另外一點我很好奇的就是到底要如何book 這些行動考場 lab seat呢??? Cisco官網上說要找當地的Business Development Manager聯繫…我想這些Manager會接到手軟…難道Cisco不知道有多少人在等位子嗎? Cisco has introduced the mobile lab program to provide candidates greater access to Lab testing while greatly reducing travel time and expenses. Mobile CCIE Labs provide a convenient and cost-effective method for candidates to test for CCIE Routing and Switching in areas which do not have permanent lab locations. The Mobile CCIE Lab reduces the need for costly travel, hotel, passport, and visa fees, missed days of work and the need to leave the country to take the CCIE Lab exam. Scheduled Mobile Lab Location: Scheduled Dates: Karachi, Pakistan Oct 13-17 Cairo, Egypt Oct 26-30 Istanbul, Turkey Nov 3-7 Johannesburg, South Africa Nov 24-28 Proposed Mobile Lab Locations: Proposed Dates: Seoul, Korea Dec ’08 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Jan‘09 Shanghai, China Jan‘09 ...

CCIE Security Lab Exam Update

Cisco has revised its CCIE Security lab exam to validate the skills needed by senior security network specialists in their job roles. Cisco has refreshed the exam with the latest Cisco equipment and software to mirror the job knowledge and skills needed by security professionals. In addition, a continued emphasis has been placed on troubleshooting to recognize the operating challenges faced by IT departments, in addition to the challenges of configuring new gear. CCIE Security exam blueprints are now available and the new exam is expected to be available in April 2009. [Click Here for More Information]

Rebooting a Router from User Mode

學習過Cisco IOS的人都知道其實在User Mode(Router>)之下沒有什麼指令可以使用,所以通常我們也不會在User Mode停留就直接打enable進入Privilege Mode。不過我看到一篇文章分享一個bug可以讓各位在真正緊急狀況時不用進入Privilege Mode而重啟Router。 By Brian Dennis, CCIE #2210 I’m over in London this week for a CCIE Voice Bootcamp and a support engineer IMs me asking a question. He needed to remotely reload a backbone router for a new rack but for some reason the standard enable password we use for the backbone routers wasn’t working. I asked him if he could just VPN in and reload it using the power controller. He told me he was telneted into the rack using his iPhone and wanted to just do it via telnet as opposed to opening a VPN connection. For a moment I thought to myself he was just out of luck but I then remembered the old regular expression bug that would reload the router (i.e. “show ip bgp regexp ([0-9]*)(_\1)+”, “show version include ([0-9]*)(_\1)+”, etc). He types it in, the router crashes and all is good. This also reminded me that I need to update the initial c...

怕失業 高學歷上班族瘋狂進修

2008-10-12   中國時報   【唐鎮宇/台北報導】       經濟 不景氣,為了在激烈職場存活下來,連高學歷上班族也要多進修、多學專長。根據職訓局補助在職勞工進修的「 產業 人才 投資 方案」,今年大學以上參加在職進修課程的人次是去年的二.五倍!人力銀行業者建議,不論學歷高低都應保持危機意識不斷進修,才不會淪為失業潮的一份子。      根據職訓局統計,九十六年大學學歷者參加在職進修課程者約有一萬六千人次,但今年到八月分止就衝到兩萬六千人次,若以此推估全年數字,今年 成長 幅度高達百分之二百五十六;學歷研究所以上者也由去年的兩千五百人次,預估增加到近四千六百人次,足足 成長 了百分之二百七十四。      職訓局訓練發展組組長鍾錦季 分析 指出,其實不論是哪種學歷,今年報名參加在職訓練人次皆大幅提高,她認為除了今年補助額度由原本的三年三萬提高到五萬,間接刺激在職勞工回流進修外,大環境不景氣加上高學歷失業率創近卅年新高,也會激起上班族的憂患意識,會積極尋求進修管道提升技能。      鍾錦季觀察在職勞工的進修趨勢,認為今年高學歷者報名 管理 與 國際 溝通課程比例有明顯增加,高中職以下者仍有八成以上集中在 專業 技術 能力課程。鍾錦季指出,不論是何種職業,進修目標都是提升擠入公司「核心」的能力,才不會在裁員時被當成「邊陲」被裁掉。      一一一一人力銀行也發現一個有趣的現象,在職者除了會為了提升自身 專業 領域的能力而進修外,還有另一種人是想培養「轉業跳槽」的能力。不過,一一一一人力銀行營運長吳睿穎不贊同上班族花時間學「轉業技能」,他認為提升自己原有的專業較容易,還可以有機會發展與原行業相關的副業;若上班忙碌之餘還要學習跨領域的能力,不但可能耽誤原本工作,屆時還可能兩頭空。      鍾錦季也認為除非勞工另有生涯規畫,或所處行業景氣不佳,或將達該行的年齡門檻,不然跨領域學習「對上班族來說太辛苦」。