Advanced TCP Implementation(HS-TCP vs S-TCP vs BIC-TCP)
自從接觸了廣域網路加速器這個領域,愈來愈覺得自己對TCP的了解實在是只懂得皮毛而已。原來在TCP上的實現有這麼多種改進方式,使得TCP的傳輸表現更加優越。 以下的內容是節錄自Cisco Press Application Acceleration and WAN Optimization Fundamentals中的章節,由於這幾個協定可以說是各家廣域網路加速器都會參考的標準,用以改善原有TCP設計運作上的缺陷,所以我把它們整理出來加以分較,希望對各位有所幫助! HS-TCP(High Speed TCP) High-Speed TCP is a advanced TCP implementation that was developed primarily to address bandwidth scalability. HS-TCP uses an adaptive cwnd increase that is is based on the current cwnd value of the connection. When the cwnd value is large, HS-TCP uses a larger cwnd increase when a segment is successfully acknowledged. In effect, this helps HS-TCP to more quickly find the available bandwidth, which leads to higher levels of throughput on large networks much more quickly. HS-TCP also uses an adaptive cwnd decrease based on the current cwnd value. When the cwnd value for a connection is large, HS-TCP uses a very small decrease to the connection's cwnd value when loss of a segment is detected. In this way, HS-TCP allows a connection...