
Showing posts from February 1, 2009


文/陳曉莉 (編譯) 2009-02-03 北電率先捨棄WiMAX亦被解讀為北電傾向於支持LTE,因為估計北電約有8成的客戶可能採用LTE,這也讓WiMAX的發展蒙上一層陰影。 今年1月向美國及加拿大申請破產保護的北電(Nortel)上周宣布將終止該公司的行動WiMAX業務,以及結束與Alvarion的合作協議,並強調此一決定並不會影響北電的其他業務,而且可讓北電聚焦在對未來競爭較有利的電信業務上。 Nortel與Alvarion是在2008年6月簽署合作協議,整合Alvarion的無線網路存取技術及北電的核心網路、後置網路(backhaul)與全球服務等資源,共同打造端對端的WiMAX解決方案,同時北電也負責經銷採用Alvarion平台的WiMAX存取產品。Nortel電信網絡總裁Richard Lowe表示,將與Alvarion密切合作轉移旗下的行動WiMAX用戶。 Alvarion是專門開發WiMAX技術的業者之一,對於北電放棄行動WiMAX服務,Alvarion執行長Tzvika Friedman表示,首要之務是減少對客戶的影響,該公司將與北電合作儘可能妥善地移轉服務。 這只是北電重組計畫的第一步,未來北電仍將決定哪些服務是該公司的重要基礎服務,以及切割其他不必要的服務,此外,處於破產保護階段的北電有關任何要出售或重組的決議都要先通過債權人委員會的審核才能執行。 原先北電同時投資WiMAX及LTE(Long Term Evolution;3G長期演進技術)等兩項新一代4G無線網路技術,北電率先捨棄WiMAX亦被解讀為北電傾向於支持LTE,因為估計北電約有8成的客戶可能採用LTE,這也讓WiMAX的發展蒙上一層陰影。(編譯/陳曉莉)

Tail-End Hop-Off (TEHO)

Tail-End Hop-Off (TEHO) allows a company to reduce its long-distance toll charges. When remotes sites are connected by an IP WAN, you can route calls that are bound to those cities—and those sites—over the WAN. The terminating gateway then routes them out to the PSTN as a local call. This sounds like a good idea in theory, but it can be complex in practice. You need a separate dial peer for each area code/prefix combination in each remote location. Large cities have many prefixes and might have several area codes also. Small cities or regions might have some prefixes within the same area code that are local calls, and some that are long-distance calls. You might need a gatekeeper for an extensive TEHO implementation. Regulatory issues might curtail the use of TEHO, also. TEHO results in a loss of revenue for telecommunications companies, so some countries regulate calls carried across country or regional borders. Careful planning and research on the most recent laws concerning mixed Vo...

Dial Peer Hunting Group Selection Order

Gateway(config)#dial-peer hunt Dial-peer hunting choices, listed in hunting order within each choice: 0: Longest match in the phone number, explicit preference, random selection. (This is the default hunt-order number.) 1: Longest match in the phone number, explicit preference, least recent use. 2: Explicit preference, longest match in the phone number, random selection. 3: Explicit preference, longest match in the phone number, least recent use. 4: Least recent use, longest match in the phone number, explicit preference. 5: Least recent use, explicit preference, longest match in the phone number. 6: Random selection. 7: Least recent use.