Intra-Cluster Communication Signaling (ICCS)
Intra-Cluster Communication Signaling (ICCS), which provides the communications with the Cisco CallManager Service process that is at the heart of the call processing in each server or node within the cluster. The intra-cluster traffic between the servers consists of the following: Database traffic from the IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) database that provides the main configuration information. The IDS database is replicated from the publisher server to all other servers in the cluster using best-effort. The IDS traffic may be re-prioritized in line with Cisco QoS recommendations to a higher priority data service (for example, IP Precedence 1 if required by the particular business needs). An example of this is extensive use of Extension Mobility, which relies on IDS database configuration. Firewall management traffic, which is used to authenticate the subscribers to the publisher to access the publisher's database. The management traffic flows between all servers in a cluster....