再過四個月就要去澳洲找袋鼠大魔王報到了,手邊還沒有Lab可以練習,所以趁著這個星期沒有上課的時間,再重溫舊夢一次,把之前用過的GNS3再重新安裝一次,現在的最新的版本是0.5,安裝完成之後第一個視窗就是指導你設定的兩大步驟,看來容易不過對於初上手的人來說還是有點小複雜,不過總比手寫來得方便~ 各位可以在到GNS3官網去下載。

經過一個上午的測試,最後決定全系列Router全部使用Cisco 7200 IOS 12.4(15).5T,因為…如果照Cisco官網上面的建議規格用IOS 12.2根本沒有vpdn的指令可用(也就是不支持PPPoE),那就很麻煩了,因為最不熟的部份就是這個特色…最後硬著頭皮還是使用12.4的IOS,雖然每一台Router都至少要給256M RAM,不過我的X60 w/ 3G RAM還是很稱職地把十幾台Router全部上線完畢(建議手動幾台幾台批次開啟,不要一次全開,電腦很容易會hang住..甚至當機)。以下這張圖片就是我全部設完之後的架構,右邊的設備清單有看到綠燈就表示已開機的狀態。

各位會覺得很奇怪,怎麼全部都是Hub-and-Spoke,因為現在CCIE Lab都採用這樣的實體連線方式,Router之間的Serial都是Frame-Relay,Router之間的Ethernet都是Trunk,只要考官dump default configuration,同一套設備可以馬上變成Routing & Switching or Service Provider的網路架構。

不過設定了一整個下午到晚上還是沒有把所有設定弄上去,因為剛開始時還蠻順的,但是到了後來設定了BGP之後…整個Lab的速度就開始龜速…甚至動不動就BGP session reset(可能是ISIS在Trunk上的部份在dynamips中仍有bug,不時會出現clns checksum error or circuit-type error,導致路由不穩定)。但是在MPLS還沒有設定之後,目前看來是仍堪用的,今天就到此為止,明天再繼續努力!


autostart = False


workingdir = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\sample_labs\GNS3

udp = 10200


ghostios = True

image = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\images\c7200-spservicesk9-mz.124-15.T5.extracted.bin

ram = 256

sparsemem = True

idlepc = 0x606dd148

confreg = 0x2102


console = 2008

f0/0 = SW0 8

slot1 = PA-8T

s1/0 = FR0 8

x = 194.0

y = -7.0


console = 2009

f0/0 = SW0 9

slot1 = PA-8T

s1/0 = FR0 9

x = 190.0

y = -180.0


workingdir = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\sample_labs\GNS3

udp = 10300


ghostios = True

image = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\images\c7200-spservicesk9-mz.124-15.T5.extracted.bin

ram = 256

sparsemem = True

idlepc = 0x606dd148

confreg = 0x2102


console = 2013

f0/0 = SW0 11

x = 176.0

y = 128.0


console = 2011

f0/0 = SW0 10

x = -259.0

y = 131.0


workingdir = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\sample_labs\GNS3


ghostios = True

image = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\images\c7200-spservicesk9-mz.124-15.T5.extracted.bin

ram = 256

sparsemem = True

idlepc = 0x606dd148

confreg = 0x2102


console = 2001

f0/0 = SW0 1

slot1 = PA-8T

s1/0 = FR0 1

x = -296.0

y = -185.0


console = 2002

f0/0 = SW0 2

slot1 = PA-8T

s1/0 = FR0 2

x = -296.0

y = -8.0


console = 2003

f0/0 = SW0 3

x = -199.0

y = 237.0

[[FRSW FR0]]

1:107 = 7:701

2:208 = 8:802

6:609 = 9:906

7:701 = 1:107

8:802 = 2:208

9:906 = 6:609

x = -50.5

y = -169.5


1 = dot1q 1

2 = dot1q 1

3 = dot1q 1

4 = dot1q 1

5 = dot1q 1

6 = dot1q 1

7 = dot1q 1

8 = dot1q 1

9 = dot1q 1

10 = dot1q 1

11 = dot1q 1

x = -44.5

y = 124.0


workingdir = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\sample_labs\GNS3

udp = 10100


ghostios = True

image = C:\Program Files\Dynamips\images\c7200-spservicesk9-mz.124-15.T5.extracted.bin

ram = 256

sparsemem = True

idlepc = 0x606dd148

confreg = 0x2102


console = 2004

f0/0 = SW0 4

x = -37.0

y = 240.0


console = 2005

f0/0 = SW0 5

x = 143.0

y = 241.0


console = 2006

f0/0 = SW0 6

slot1 = PA-8T

s1/0 = FR0 6

slot2 = PA-A1

x = -106.0

y = -7.0


console = 2007

f0/0 = SW0 7

slot1 = PA-8T

s1/0 = FR0 7

x = 12.0

y = -9.0


Anonymous said…
Thanks! I also used GNS3 to prepare for the lab-test.that is a good tool. but, there have some prob. I have meet following problems:
1.pppoe entry:
Bad LLS Checksum from...
%CLNS-3-BADPACKET: ISIS: LAN L2 hello, bad circuit type 0 from....
BGP session reset
i thank that this problem is not only in isis environment. Peers with directly connected interface will also appear this prob.
May be because it is cpu utilization rate is very high ....

your number 11440 ,,
our number is very close to ...hehe :)
CCIE11440 said…
Yes, I have the same situation with you. I think it may be the bug of dynamips and the CPU utilization problem..
Anonymous said…
i have a question about your topo .the "sw0" is a switch with "dot1q" interface .all interfaces belong to the same vlan.it can not exchange data packets form other vlan.if it is a hub, it can forward the dot1q frame form one interface to the other. would you please tell me how to resolve this issue ? Is to setup a sw for each vlan to solve?
CCIE11440 said…
I don't understand your meaning...
Each device interface belongs to specific vlan, so they will be the IGP neighbor under the same ethernet segment if they are belong to the same vlan.

If they are not belong to the same vlan, they should not communicate through the switch directly in my topology.
Anonymous said…
呵呵,我英文写的太烂了估计,我还是用中文表达吧,不知道你看简体中文如何?我是说,按照你的topu如何解决子接口的问题?如果所有设备都连接在一个sw上,并且要求相应的子接口属于不同的trunk vlan,如何来实现?
也就是你说的Each device interface belongs to specific vlan, so they will be the IGP neighbor
CCIE11440 said…
我想你可能不了解什麼叫做InterVLAN Routing的意義,Router透過IEEE 802.1q Trunking與Switch介接,只要兩邊的tag相同就屬於同一個VLAN,這跟GNS3無關(GNS3只是IOS模擬器,所有功能都直接跟IOS相關)

int f0/0.1
encapsulation dot1q 1 native
int f0/0.2
encapsulation dot1q 2
ip address

int f0/0.1
encapsulation dot1q 1 native
int f0/0.2
encapsulation dot1q 2
ip address

Mellow said…
Hi, while I am practicing IS-IS topology on gns3 with 3640 12.4 T ios (not above) i did not find any issues, but I am getting the below errors with 7200 router advance enterprise services
%CLNS-3-BADPACKET: ISIS: P2P hello, bad circuit type 0 from *HDLC* (POS2/0)
Any documentation to read further to resolve this issue.
CCIE11440 said…
Really sorry for miss this comment, actually, I have no answer for this too...what I can do is just ignore it in GNS3

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