ip pim autorp listener

這一個指令可能很少人知道,除非你已經準備CCIE Lab一陣時間,不然平時不太會使用到這個功能,好不容易才把它搞懂,這個指令最重要的功能就是可以讓只支援sparse/bidirectional/ssm mode的interface利用dense mode的方式來flooding Auto-RP information,如果題目要求要使用Auto-RP但是不能使用ip pim sparse-dense-mode時,請記得這個指令的存在!

To cause IP multicast traffic for the two Auto-RP groups and to be Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) dense mode flooded across interfaces operating in PIM sparse mode, use the ip pim autorp listener command in global configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

Usage Guidelines
Use the ip pim autorp listener command with interfaces configured for PIM sparse mode operation in order to establish a network configuration where Auto-RP operates in PIM dense mode and multicast traffic can operate in sparse mode, bidirectional mode, or source specific multicast (SSM) mode.

The following example enables IP multicast routing and the Auto-RP listener feature on a router. It also configures the router as a Candidate RP for the multicast groups through

ip multicast-routing
interface loopback 0
ip pim sparse-mode
interface loopback 1
ip pim sparse-mode
interface s0/0
ip pim sparse-mode
ip pim autorp listener
ip pim send-rp-announce Loopback0 scope 16 group-list 1
ip pim send-rp-discovery Loopback1 scope 16
access-list 1 permit


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