Changes to CCIE Lab and Written Exam Question Format and Scoring

看來大陸同胞們無法再飛到其他國家去考CCIE Lab來逃避CCIE Lab口試了,未來的CCIE Lab全面加上了口試至少可以保證CCIE的產出有一定的水平,不過這對東方人來說也許只是增加新的題庫而已,呵,事實上北京那邊的口試題目已經被大陸同胞們整理的差不多了,只要是有制式題目及答案的話,應該還是"上有政策,下有對策"。

Effective February 1, 2009, Cisco will introduce a new type of question format to CCIE Routing and Switching lab exams.
In addition to the live configuration scenarios, candidates will be asked a series of four or five open-ended questions, drawn from a pool of questions based on the material covered on the lab blueprint. No new topics are being added. The exams are not been increased in difficulty and the well-prepared candidate should have no trouble answering the questions. The length of the exam will remain eight hours. Candidates will need to achieve a passing score on both the open-ended questions and the lab portion in order to pass the lab and become certified. Other CCIE tracks will change over the next year, with exact dates announced in advance.

Effective February 17th, 2009, candidates will also see two other changes in CCIE written exams.
First, candidates will now be required to answer each question before moving on to the next question; candidates will no longer be allowed to skip a question and come back to it at a later time. Second, there will be an update to the score report. The overall exam score and the exam passing score will now be reported as a scaled score, on a scale from 300-1000. This change will not affect the difficulty of the current set of exams and will assure CCIE written exams will be consistent with Cisco’s other career certification exams.


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