New and Updated Cisco Certification Logos

目前網路上流傳兩個新版本的Cisco Certification Logo(如下圖),今天剛收到Cisco官方公告認證Logo即將更換的通知(如下文),可惜文中並沒有附上新Logo的圖片,所以也無法證實。連到Cisco認證中心去下載Logo,目前仍是舊的尚未更新,所以一切仍有待時間來證實。



08 January 2008

New and Updated Cisco Certification Logos

The Learning@Cisco organization is pleased to introduce new logos for its Cisco Career Certification Program. The logos were designed with input from the Cisco certified community, and represent the prestige and dedication defined by the program. Effective January 12, 2009, all certificates and plaques will include the new logos.

The new logos identify all levels of Cisco Career Certifications. In addition, all technology tracks are identified, allowing current and future professionals to distinguish themselves in the workplace and throughout the IT industry.

*Certified individuals can access the new logos for download by logging into the Certifications Tracking System at: 

*All logo guidelines apply – new agreements must be signed to download the new images.


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