Optical Data Unit (ODU)

The ODU overhead is broken into several fields: RES, PM, TCMi, TCM ACT, FTFL, EXP, GCC1/GCC2 and APS/PCC. The reserved (RES) bytes are undefined and are set aside for future applications.

  • The path monitoring (PM) field is similar to the SM field described above. It contains the TTI, BIP-8, BEI, BDI and Status (STAT) sub-fields.
  • There are six tandem connection monitoring (TCMi) fields that define the ODU TCM sub-layer, each containing TTI, BIP-8, BEI/BIAE, BDI and STAT sub-fields associated to each TCM level (i=1 to 6). The STAT sub-field is used in the PM and TCMi fields to provide an indication of the presence or absence of maintenance signals.
  • The tandem connection monitoring activation/deactivation (TCM ACT) field is currently undefined in the standards. The fault type and fault location reporting communication channel (FTFL) field is used to create a message spread over a 256-byte multiframe. It provides the ability to send forward and backward path-level fault indications.
  • The experimental (EXP) field is a field that is not subject to standards and is available for network operator applications.
  • General communication channels 1 and 2 (GCC1/GCC2) fields are very similar to the GCC0 field except that each channel is available in the ODU.
  • The automatic protection switching and protection communication channel (APS/PCC) supports up to eight levels of nested APS/PCC signals, which are associated to a dedicated-connection monitoring level depending on the value of the multiframe.


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